Wayumi Missions Trip 2025

Trip Dates: July 10-19

Wayumi /wī yo͞o mē/


One cultural aspect of the Yanomamo people is something called Wayumi (pronounced why/you/me). It involves leaving their woods or home, to go to another place for a period of time and for a specific purpose. In their language, it would be similar to us saying we are going on holiday, vacation, a business trip, etc. When you come to Wayumi, not only are you coming to a place, but you're also going on an adventure in cross-cultural missions in Central Pennsylvania.

Wayumi Expedition is a summer camp and a summer missions trip, all rolled into one! At the Wayumi campus in Jersey Shore Pennsylvania you will discover how you can be a part of reaching isolated people groups who have never heard the Gospel. A handful of missionaries from our church have partnered with Ethnos 360 who oversee this summer camp. This trip is a serious personal and financial commitment but it will be one you will never forget!

Application Process

1) Each student is required to fill out an application for review by Pastor Andrew.
2) When students are approved they may sign up for fundraisers and pay their deposit (Due 3/31).  
3) We build our team!
Our team is built of 15 High School students in the following order: 
  • Seniors 
  • Juniors
  • Sophomores
  • Freshmen (May join us on the next Wayumi Trip in 2028 unless otherwise approved by Pastor Andrew)



  • Total cost per student: $1,545 (which includes the following)
    • $650 Airfare
    • $200 Transportation
    • $150 Ark/Creation Museum
    • $315 Wayumi Expedition
    • $200 Food
  • Personal Deposit: $650/student 
  • Fundraising: $895/student

Personal deposit: $650 per student

Your deposit of $650 is your "buy in" and your personal responsibility. This does not include fundraising from our team. This deposit is ONLY refundable to you until plane tickets are purchased. Once your ticket has been purchased you will have a plane ticket in your name and no refund for any reason if you withdraw from the trip.
Deposit due date: March 31st. 

Team Fundraising

  • Total goal is $6000 ($335/student)
  • Fundraisers will be every 3rd Saturday (6hrs) from January-June and also 2 Friday evenings (4hrs) (TBD). (8 total)
  • Fundraiser events are mandatory for all team members! Special absences must be approved by Pastor Andrew and if a student misses multiple fundraisers after committing to do so they will be required to withdraw from the trip. 
  • These events are crucial to our team as we build and invest our time and energy in serving the Lord and preparing for our trip. 

Personal Fundraising

  • Personal fundraising is an effective way to build prayer and financial support by sending letters or other creative means. You can work for donations, send support letters, make a go-fund-me page or think of other creative ways to raise support.
  • These funds will not be shared with the group until the total trip amount for your student is reached.
  • These funds may be used toward your deposit.
  • *NOTE: Please let personal donors know to add your name to the memo line whether paying online or by check. Ex. Memo: “For John Doe missions trip”   

Basic travel plan

Here is a template of what our trip will look like! 

- Draft Schedule -

Please feel free to reach out to Pastor Andrew at any time as you prayerfully consider if this trip is right for you and your student.