The Role of Evangelism & Missions

Feb 12, 2023    Jon Cook

The book of II Corinthians is Paul’s defense of his ministry. There were those who were questioning his character, his apostolic authority, and his heart for ministry. In chapters 1-2 he defends his character, in 3-5 his ministry to the world, in 6-13 his ministry to the church at Corinth and in 10-12 His Apostolic authority. In Chapter 3 he begins with the ministry to the world that he had been given and by the end of chapter 5 he extends the responsibility of that ministry to the Corinthians and, by extension, all who have been reconciled to God. In these chapters, he describes this ministry as, a ministry of the Spirit (3:8), a ministry of righteousness (3:9), a ministry of mercy (4:1), and a ministry of reconciliation (5:18). He lays out for us this ministry, its motivation, its messengers, its mission field, and its message.