Overview of Classes

four quarters - five sessions in each

Quarter 1


Class 1 God Is
Instructor: Pastor Benjamin King
Class Summary: This lesson focuses upon the existence of the Biblical God. He is the assumed and logical starting place in Scripture and for the Christian life.
Class 2 God Has Spoken
Instructor: Timothy King
Summary: This lesson focuses upon God’s self-revelation to man in His authoritative Word.
Class 3 Epistemology
Instructor: Pastor Jon Cook
Summary: This lesson focuses on knowledge, asking how we can know, what we can know, and with what degree of certainty can we know God and truth?
Class 4 Hermeneutics
Instructor: Pastor Benjamin King
Summary: This lesson focuses on the art and the science of biblical interpretation looking at key principles to use as we study Scripture.
Class 5 Hermeneutics
Instructor: Pastor Benjamin King
Summary: This lesson continues the discussion of the previous class on the art and science of biblical interpretation.

Quarter 2

biblical theology & Dispensationalism

Class 6 Progress of Revelation
Instructor: Pastor Andrew
Summary: This lesson focuses upon the progressive revelation of God’s truth throughout Scripture by focusing specifically upon major themes of Scripture.
Class 7 Biblical Theology
Instructor: Timothy King
Summary: This lesson builds upon the assumption of the progress of revelation and seeks to look at the theology of individual writers and collections of writings by examining these in their historically given contexts/settings.
Class 8 Dispensational Theology
Instructor: Pastor Jon
Summary: This lesson focuses on what dispensationalism is, and how it impacts our study of Scripture and affects our theology.
Class 9 Dispensational Theology
Instructor: Pastor Andrew
Summary. This lesson continues the teaching from the previous class on dispensational theology.
Class 10 Reformed/ Covenant Theology
Instructor: Pastor Jon
Summary: This lesson focuses on what reformed theology is and how their theological covenants impact their hermeneutic and theological conclusions.

Quarter 3

The Christian Life

Class 11 Positional Truth
Instructor: Pastor Andrew
Summary: This lesson focuses on the believers position and reality in Christ from regeneration until glorification.
Class 12 In Christ
Instructor: Timothy King
Summary: This lesson focuses on the benefits that every believer receives at the moment of salvation in Christ.
Class 13 In Christ
Instructor: Timothy King
Summary: This lesson continues from the previous lesson by focusing on the benefits that every believer receives at the moment of salvation in Christ.
Class 14 Christ in Me
Instructor: Pastor Andrew
Summary: This lesson focuses on the Christian life by emphasizing all that God’s presence and power in us enables us to be.
Class 15 Christ in Me
Instructor: Timothy King
Summary: This lesson continues from the previous lesson by focusing on the Christian life and emphasizing all that God’s presence and power in us enables us to be.

Quarter 4

The man and Woman of God

Class 16 Men/Women
Instructors: Pastor Benjamin and Mary Lee Huey
Summary: This lesson focuses on God’s design and expectations for men and women.
Class 17 Husbands/Wives
Instructors: Pastor Benjamin and Mary Lee Huey
Summary: This lesson focuses on the unique and complementary biblical roles and responsibilities for husbands and wives in marriage.
Class 18 Fathers/Mothers
Instructors: Pastor Jon and Mary Lee Huey
Summary: This lesson focuses on the biblical expectations, responsibility, and privileges of being parents.
Class 19 Men and Women: In the World
Instructors: Pastor Andrew and Mary Lee Huey
Summary: This lesson focuses on how men and women live biblically in a secular world looking specifically at ways to be faithful, Christlike, and evangelistic.
Class 20 Men and Women: In the Church
Instructors: Pastor Jon and Mary Lee Huey
Summary: This lesson focuses on biblical expectations, parameters, and opportunities for men and women as they serve and lead in the local church.

Student Responsibilities 

Scripture reading

Students will read the entire New Testament over the course of the year.

Scripture Memorization

Students will memorize portions of Scripture as outlined in the memorization schedule.

Book reading

Students will read assigned text books according to the reading schedule.


Students will open one class period with a devotional on an assigned or agreed upon passage.


Each student will be required to have an approved mentor with monthly reporting.


Each student will complete a written hermeneutics project on a specific passage of Scripture.

Class Reading List

These ten books need to be purchased by the student and will be read over the 10 months of training.
If buying new, Amazon has the best prices. If buying used, Abebooks is better priced.
Text books are also available for purchase directly from Grace. Talk to Pastor Benjamin if you want them this way. 

Course Schedule 

Questions? Reach out to Pastor Benjamin! 

Student REsources

Logos Bible Software

free logos account 

Create a free logos Bible Software account here. Once you have an account you can add digital books, or upgrade to various packages. 

Blue Letter bible

free web/app based study tool

This free Bible Study tool is both web and app based. It has multiple translations, original languages with tools, limited commentaries, Strongs Concordance and more.