Choir Information

Please read and understand all the information listed here before you register your family! Thank you and I look forward to another great year of teaching music to your families! Praise the Lord for the gift of music!

Important Choir Dates


Rule #1- PUT YOUR NAME ON EVERYTHING! :) Please have supplies at our first rehearsal.
  • Primary Choir- No binders. Water bottle is nice. First Rehearsal bring a small stuffed animal buddy!!
  • Primary and JR- Weather permitting, we exit to the playground after rehearsal! That's the perfect place to pick up your student after choir. On rainy days, pick up from inside.
  • Jr. High & Sr. High Choirs- SOLID BLACK 3 ring 1" Binder to hold music. (Put your name on the inside!) Keep some loose binder paper and a pencil. Yellow highlighter is nice too. Water bottles only. Occasionally, someone will bring a snack or birthday treat to share!

Time Commitment

I try to keep choir commitments inside your Tuesday afternoon time slot, but special events require extra time. The choir concert performance is required and such a fun and exciting experience! I will notify you ASAP and give grace if anything changes!
  • April 15: No rehearsal (Easter week)
  • April 22: Picture day! Wear full concert attire with normal rehearsal times.
  • April 29: Tech Rehearsal 1-4pm in auditorium. PRIMARY done hopefully by 2:30pm.
    • Full Choir concert attire needs to be worn this day.
    • We work out the final nitty-gritty concert details with mics, concert order, etc.
  • May 6: Concert #1 2:30pm
    • 12:45pm arrival in auditorium  
    • 1pm warm up begins 
    • 2:30-3:45pm performance
  • May 6: Concert #2 6:30pm
    • 5:55pm arrival in fellowship hall 
    • 6:30-7:45pm performance.  (Livestream at

Performance Attire

Everyone will need an official CHOIR t-shirt ($10 ish)
All Choirs need performance attire a month before performance. (PLEASE BEGIN LOOKING ASAP). It's part of the choral experience!
  • Boys: Choir shirt and black pants, tall black socks, black shoes . Primary choir can be less formal, but I would appreciate nicer slacks and shoes for Jr. and Sr. High Choirs.
  • Girls: Choir shirt and long black skirt and nice black shoes. (Please keep any heels moderate) If the skirt is not full length, please use black tights or leggings to create an all black leg and foot. It makes a difference! Black slacks if needed for girls (not too tight.) Check the free black item collection or donate outgrown black items for others!
If you are struggling to find items, please let me know ASAP.


Our primary means of communication will be through a messaging service called Telegram. However, you may still be receive communication via emails and text occasionally as well. 


  1. You may make a payment in Cash or Check to Grace Baptist church. Please add memo: Grace Notes Choir.
  2. You may also pay online with a card using the button on the Grace Notes Choir homepage. Please include a memo identifying what your payment is specifically for.


Families are welcome to watch from the back if they are quiet. If you want to talk, please go outside. There's a playground around the back. I encourage you to get to know other choir families! Please do not leave younger students unattended/waiting during an older sibling's rehearsal. Thank you.


If I am sick and must cancel choir, I will notify you using Telegram (usually the night before). Please check for updates before you drop off students in case I’ve tried to reach you!


Please use common sense in staying home from rehearsal if you are exhibiting cold or flu symptoms in the past 24 hours prior to rehearsal or performance.

Social Media

Please be judicious when posting about the choir on social media. Please promote our concerts, but be mindful of others who do not want their children's photos on social media.