Missions Trip VBS 2024

Trip Dates: July 5-14

Team Leaders

Amber Porrello
Denice Venegas
Jamie Hawley
Andrew Hawley
Isaiah Putnam
Juan Daniel Porrello

STudent Team

1) Fe Rodriguez
2) Aaron Halkides
3) Nathaniel Halkides
4) Buck Kolb
5) Micaela Thompson
6) Nathan Skillman
7) Silas Thompson
8) Ariana Cannon
9) Joanna Lockwood
10) Audrey Carter
11) Aaron Deardorff
12) Michaela Alexander
13) Rachael Nordquist
14) Emma Nailor
15) Brooke Nailor
16) Ellah Deardorff
17) Bryar Engelhardt
18) Jacob Smith 

Team Meetings and Fundraisers


God has provided an opportunity for us to be return the blessing we've received from First Baptist Church in Monterey CA. Pastor Nate and his Wife Charolette have hosted our group on several short trips in the past. His passion for the Lord's word has been a personal encouragement to our group and he continues to work faithfully shepherding the folks of Monterey. Pastor Nate is excited to work with us to reach the surrounding community with the gospel through our VBS program.

We will be assisting with a VBS program Mon-Fri and potentially doing a few work projects on the church grounds. The church is situated conveniently near Main Street in downtown Monterey. Meals will be eaten in the fellowship hall/kitchen and sleeping arrangements will be separately chaperoned on the campus.

Students whose applications are approved by pastor Andrew will work with the team to help raise the funds needed for this ministry!

Application Process

1) Each student is required to fill out an application for review by Pastor Andrew.
2) When students are approved they may sign up for fundraisers and pay their deposit.  
3) We build our team!
Our team is build of 15-20 High School students in the following order: 
  • Seniors 
  • Juniors
  • Sophomores
  • Freshmen

Deposit & Fundraising

deposit: $250 per student (Does not include Team fundraising)

Deposit: Your deposit of $250 is your "buy in" and your personal responsibility. This is does not include fundraising from our team fundraising days. However, if you need help raising your deposit money Pastor Andrew will help you brainstorm how you can work to raise the money for your deposit. There are usually many opportunities to work for folks in the church to raise money for your deposit. If you are at all unsure, please ask Pastor Andrew!

Fundraising: Team fundraising goal $6000

  • Total goal is $6000.
  • There will be a total of 6 fund raising events in the months of March, April, May, June. 
  • You will be required to sign up for as many of the fundraiser events as you can! All hands on deck!
  • These events are crucial to our team as we build and invest our time and energy in serving the Lord and prepare for our trip. 

Travel Plan

Here is a template of what our trip will look like! 

- Draft Schedule -

Travel Route

Please feel free to reach out to Pastor Andrew at any time as you prayerfully consider if this trip is right for you and your student.